Overall Gender Class Group Bib Nation Name Team Class Group Gender Last Location Start Temple Hill Start of Wall Corner of Wall Galty Mòr Cross Galty Beg Greeaun Cairn Fearbreaga Bane trig point Hammerhead Finish Time
33 26 26 1 50 Gerry McGuinness (119) Male M60 Male Finish 08:59:00 16-06-24 00:48:16 09:47:16 16-06-24 00:25:56 10:13:12 16-06-24 00:17:27 10:30:39 16-06-24 00:20:57 10:51:36 16-06-24 00:15:27 11:07:03 16-06-24 00:30:25 11:37:28 16-06-24 00:19:27 11:56:55 16-06-24 01:22:16 13:19:11 16-06-24 00:05:59 13:25:10 16-06-24 00:39:23 14:04:33 16-06-24 05:05:33
61 46 46 2 83 Steve Young (398) Male M60 Male Finish 08:59:00 16-06-24 01:00:44 09:59:44 16-06-24 00:34:24 10:34:08 16-06-24 00:24:56 10:59:04 16-06-24 00:27:56 11:27:00 16-06-24 00:20:56 11:47:56 16-06-24 00:39:54 12:27:50 16-06-24 00:24:26 12:52:16 16-06-24 01:36:14 14:28:30 16-06-24 00:08:58 14:37:28 16-06-24 00:46:52 15:24:20 16-06-24 06:25:20